



As I said during my stay in japan, I believe the Japanese people can overcome anything, and they proved it after world war and the atomic bomb. The Japanese people fell to their knees, but they stood up with their persistence and hard work. And again after the Tohoku earthquake and the tsunami the people of japan didn’t give up and they did and are still doing their best to overcome the destruction of the tsunami. I hope that the efforts of volunteers including ours have helped even a little to ease the pain and suffering of the Japanese people. And I hope these efforts will continue.
In the end I would like to pay respect to all those who died in the events of the tsunami and the earthquake.
Special greetings to the photographer and the lovely people of Shoigama, that lunch they prepared for us will forever be a dear and special memory of mine. I hope that their lives are getting back to normal and that they managed to recover fully from the effects of the tsunami.
Peace and love from Palestine.

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Dear My Family,  
This week is the first anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami, and in this day I would like to send a great thanks to all of one who help me in my project in japan, and who give me the hope in the time of disaster, especially the local people of Shiogama who treated us as their family, and fed us, and give us the true story to which is happened in this bad day, they show for us what happened in the days of disaster, and the photographer and his neighborhood who show us how really the damage is, and let us know how much generous they are.  And Br. Fukagawa was a really very kind guide for us.  I can’t forget all my friends in Japan who joined me the working days and the fun days.  Big thank to Hiroko who gave me the chance to came and see, and I promise all of you that in one day I will came to continue working, and I am sure that Japan will very soon return to its first statues.
                                                                                 Thanks to all of you!
                                                                              Majdi Bannoura 

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竹内 理恵
去年の夏にボランティアという形で仙台の塩釜に行かせて頂きました。そこで改めて感じたのは、実際に自分で体験しなければわかり得ないことが世の中には多くあるということです。わたしもボランティアに行かせて頂いて、塩釜の方々とお話する中で、被災者の方々の辛さや苦しみ、同時に再興への強い意思を、感じることができました。これからも東北のみなさんのお力になれるように、東京にはいますが、わたしなりのお手伝いができたらと思います。そして、こうした機会を作ってくださった、井上さんをはじめとするスタッフの方々に再度お礼申し上げます。わたしは、ボランティアとしての活動の側面だけでなく、イスラエル、パレスチナの若者と交流する場、そして個人としてみなさんの姿や発言を通して人間的な刺激を頂きました。本当にありがとうございました。 竹内 理恵
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Dear people of Shiogama,

When we were in our way to Japan, I knew I am going to do something special and unique, and I will see things that will make me vary sed. I just didn’t know how sed. The ruined cities that I saw shocked me, and made me feel so small compared to the power of nature, but the thing that shocked me the most was your kindness and hope. I expected to see broken people in spirit, sad people, and instead I saw this unbelievably strong and brave and hopeful people who was welcoming us in such generosity and happiness that wormed the cockles of my heart.
I want you to know how thankful I am for all you have done for us, and that I will never ever forget you. I wish you good luck in the future and I hope that your strong spirits will overcome this terrible disaster that happened exactly one year ago. I came to Japan to help you, but in the end you helped me. You showed me what truth hope and strength means. Thank you for that.
Forever yours in my heart,
Anna Prutkov
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I would like to write something for the people that we met in japan ... 
First I would like to share this painful memory that had happened with you one year ago, as some people remembered that some youngsters came to japan to help in some how the damages that happened in the countries.

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Hello all,
It's been a little more than 6 month since we met, but it feels as if it was just yesterday.  The memories of our shared experience are still fresh in my mind, and follow me wherever I go.
I have learned many things during this project and I am very grateful for the opportunity that you have given me to help, learn and understand.  I appreciate your warm hospitality, your open-heartedness and generosity during these difficult times.
I hope that the situation has improved and I pray that you are living your lives with good health and as much joy as you can.
Nir Ozery.
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石黒 朝香
石黒 朝香
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To my beloved Japanese friends, to all the people we met along our journey of hope in the Tōhoku Region, to all the friends of Japan and to all the people all over the world that showed their care to the Japanese population, goes my message of hope and solidarity.
The 11th of March 2011 I was travelling in Israel, I haven’t had the chance to read the news yet, when I received a phone call from the president of Helping Children on the Holy Land, Ms. Hiroko Inoue. From her voice, telling me what was happening in Japan, I could hear the fear in her voice and the feeling of powerfulness in front of the supremacy of nature. After I made sure that all my friends and theirs were safe, I had the first demonstration of the strength of the Japanese people, that despite the tragedy that hit their land, they decide to come to Israel and Palestine to work for peace.
On August 2011 with a small group of Israeli and Palestinian, thanks to the Japanese association that supported the project of working side to side with and for the Japanese people, we landed in Japan to volunteer in the areas hit by the earthquake and tsunami. Apart from being an incredible personal experience, it helped me to understand Japanese culture and to conceive a positive way of living life. Japanese taught me and shown to the whole world that it is possible to arise again, to go back to life even when they faced the end of it, with the loss of goods and beloved one.
During our stay in Sendai we had the chance to meet great people that opened their hearts to us, remembering the dark moments, the pain and the difficulties experienced during the earthquake, the tsunami and the following days, weeks and months. To all these friends and the Japanese population, I want to say to “keep strong the hand of God and hope, to let them be your guide in these troubled moments. It is not easy to lose those we love but it is also for them that you have to continue to fight for life”.
Stella Pedrazzini

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